Wednesday 28 January 2009

A new beginning...No turning back...InsyaAllah

in the name of Allah the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful

This will my first post for a whole new beginning. For those who don't know me, my name is Ilani Hariati.Daughter of Abdul Muis & Maimunah Nazarene.Born in SJMC,Subang Jaya on the 8th of June 1987. Then moved to Melawati,then Bukit Sentosa,Rawang.Sister of Erwin Dani,Irma Hariati,Iwan Dani & Irina Hariati. Why am I telling all these?I know I said,who I am is not important,but its what I write about. Well, it is for you,dear readers to relate yourself to my life. Some of you may know me & some of you might meet me one day if ever,our path shall cross [if God wills ;-)]. Hmm my intentions of giving my personal details may not seem clear. But that is for me to know,and for you to find out (or not?!=p).

Why start re-blogging?

Simple, because "sharing is caring". And Ar-Rahman,the Gracious (Maha Penyayang) asked me to share with others whenever I have something good & beneficial.

What/who changed me?

Alhamdulillah,it is Al-Hadi, the Guide (Yang Memberi Petunjuk ) who changed me.


Again,I thank An-Noor,the Light (Cahaya) for giving me the chance to learn and understand Islam.People always said "Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta",or english that it means " Not Loving something/someone is a result of Not Knowing them in the first place"-Wow.A little too long for a translation I guess.Suggestions are always welcome btw.:-D
So,now that I have better knowledge of Islam, I love it even more.;-)
(Btw,Islam comes from the same root word as salam in arabic,you try to look it up to see what it means,generally slam means-peace.)
Sometimes to do something without trying to understand it in the first place is rather, foolish don't you think?


Why do we eat?(Mainly cuz we're hungry)

Why do we sleep?(Generally cuz we're sleepy)

Why do we study?(Well, the answer for this varies)

The thought of doing something without any reason makes it hard for us to do it,right?
Its like forcing yourself...And I think we all know how it feels like when we have to force ourselves to do something.=\

Imagine eating without having the feeling to eat.Sleeping without having the need to sleep.Studying without knowing the reasons why we study...Its just terrible.For me atleast.

How does it feel like? (to change)

Well,it feels like Ive found what Ive been looking for all these time.
My purpose of life.
It feels good,it makes me happy, I find it rather peaceful.
I feel as if Ive just embraced Islam...Its soo wonderful.
Words are not enought to explain.
Do you remember the first time you've fallen in Love?
Like nothing is impossible,its like you can fly~.
You're not afraid of anything cuz your sweetheart is there for you.
Well,its kinda like that,only better.:-)

Why too drastic ?(some people might think)

Because Islam is a Deen,a way of life.
It consists all (syumul) and leaves nothing.
I want to a be a full-time muslim, not part-time.
Its rather a challenge isn't it? I love challenges.
May Al-Jabbar,the compeller (Yang Maha Kuat), give me strength for this.

Before I proceed,allow me to ask a few question to you,dear readers,just for you to ponder upon;

Daughters,what would you do if you wish to please your parents?
Brothers/gentlemen,what would you do to win the heart of your loved ones?
Workers,what do you do to get promoted?
Students,what do you do to get good grades?

If I may resume, I think we would all come out with almost the same answers.
When we want something from a certain someone,surely we would do the thing that pleases that person,and we would try to avoid evrything that makes them upsets.
Am I not right on this point? Do correct me if I erred,I still have alot to learn.:-)

A daughter would probably buy her father golf balls for his birthday (the gift depends on the father's preference,of course) ,or help her mother with the dishes. It might be because she's really sincere or simply cause she's eye-ing for that new hot pink Honda Jazz.:-p

A brother/gentlemen would probably get their loved ones flowers or even make that little effort to stop hanging out with his friends (especially girl friends) just to proove to the girl he wants that he's willing to do anything just to win the girl's heart. Right?

A worker would invite his/her boss to lunch (Random thought,I havent start working yet,so I'm not too familiar with this situation) in hopes that he/she might get promoted.(Dlm erti kate laen bodek), (lacher ses bottes).

A student would try to participate during class or some might want to try their luck in being a teacher's pet to get good marks.

These are all just random examples.It has nothing to do with those who are dead or alive. (Contoh membute semate-mate,tiade kene mengene dgn yg hidup mahupun yang sudah meninggal dunie)

All I wish to say is that, Im doing this because I want to please, Al-Nafi',the propitious (Yang Memberi Manfaat) in hopes that He will place me with others (mu'minin) in His Paradise,InsyaAllah.

Besides,He is the one who provides me with everything that i have in this life:my life,my family,my friends,the clothes on my back,the house that I live in,the food that I eat.
He is Al-Razzaq,the provider (Yang Maha Pemberi Rezeki)
It seems natural that I thank & please Him,doesn't it?;-)

Alhamdulillah I have finished my first post,
Every good and beneficial words that Ive said comes from Him,
the bad ones are either from me & my weaknesses or form the whispers of the Shaitan around me.
Wallahualam bisawab...
Have a pleasant day/night.
Salam w.b.t.


Anonymous said...

Feel like crying when i read this post. It is so pure and so sincere.
Steadfast in this path. Fastaqim kama umirta. Tetaplah berada di jalan Allah. Semoga kita sentiasa tetap di jalanNya dan dalam lindunganNya. We'll hold each other's hand right?

Anonymous said...

Ilani Dear...
There is one quality which one must possess to win (as in succeed in this life), and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. may Allah guide you all the way, bless you, and be by your side. Always!!
I really can't wait to meet you again.. after like.. 3 years? uridu an araki..
tetiba teringat awak terhantuk kepala kat organ waktu kita main lompat2 tilam.. haha..

Anonymous said...

u've found for the right path.
i'll pray for u
do pray for me ya

anjut said...

salam!hai anak rusa nani!

pencarian itu memenatkan...kdg2 bnyk sgt dugaan di tengah2 pencarian...sampai kita rasa putus asa.tapi nikmatnya bila kita 'terjumpa', x boleh dibayangkan kata2...

aku rugi...aku sekolah agama.asrama penuh pulak tu. tp aku lambat nampak apa yg ada dalam Islam..5 tahun yg sia2.
tapi sekarang, aku bersyukur!indah nya islam. mudahnya islam. hidup aku masih seperti biasa, tapi mungkin lebih terjaga. setiap perkara ada batasnya.

kita sama2 mati dlm syahadah yer.

Anonymous said...

is it really u?
ur words can touch the heart that read it,i believe.
keep it on dear.
Allah and ur friends will always be with u.:)

far far away said...

cik ilani sayang,
welcome back :)

Anonymous said...

was i late to say welcome?? i'm looking forward to see you again ^_^

Anonymous said...

Subhanallah, such nice words coming from a such nice lady who just reembraced her religion..

Islam is not for cowards, face it.

Let's make the journey together... till the end. Terus thabat bersama diatas jalan ini.

izwan haji omar said...

pedoman yang bagus,semoga usaha diteruskan.

take care

Anonymous said...

i wonder when will i stop from turning back again,& again.....

Hambe Allah said...

Anonymous of 12th Sept..

I guess when you've sit down and think carefully bout whats your ultimate goal in life, the purpose of you existing...

Money? Love? Beauty?

Or maybe something bigger than that..that'll last longer..