Saturday, 31 October 2009
Sorry for abandoning this blog. I now officially have a bigger project
Im x longer, Ive found a league of people whos writing for the same reason,same passion..
See you soon!
Tk cr
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Hati baru??
“Carilah hatimu di tiga tempat…
Temui hatimu sewaktu bangun membaca Al Quran.
Tetapi jika tidak kau temui,
carilah hatimu ketika mengerjakan solat.
Jika tidak kau temui juga,
kau carilah hatimu ketika duduk tafakkur mengingati mati.
Jika kau tidak temui juga, maka berdoalah kepada Allah,
pinta hati yang baru...
kerana hakikatnya pada ketika itu kau tidak mempunyai hati”
semoga Ramadhan yg tinggal tidak disiekan...
Salam wbt
Lost still love..
The 5 people you meet in heaven..
"Lost love is still love,Eddie.It takes a different form,that's all.You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor.But when those senses weaken,another heightens.Memory.Memory becomes your partner.You nurture it.You hold it.You dance with it.
Life has to end...Love doesn't.."
May the rest of your ramadhan is filled with blessings..Til next time
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Mistakes,Apologize,Sorry,Forgive me?
Salam to all dear readers...
A random thought crossed my mind today...
If we were perfect then words like 'apologize','sorry' and 'forgive me' wouldn't be in our vocabulary,would it?
In fact,man are such an imperfect being,prone to making mistakes.
We erred so often that we need to find various ways to express it,
not just by words..but by our own actions as well...
I understand very well that some mistakes are maybe harder or even impossible to just forgive and forget.
But,trust me,its worth a try...
Besides, anger is a poison that would only eat you from the inside.We thought by being angry at someone or hating someone,we would actually harm that person..But many of us fail to realize..Hatred is a curved blade..And the harm we do,we do to ourselves...-Mitch Albom.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Anger is a poison,hatred is curved blade
Page 149:
We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us.
But hatred is a curved blade.
And the harm we do,we do to ourselves.
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Love is a leap of Faith.The 'supposedly' wedding speech...
- Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
Woman was created not from man's feet, Where she would be below him.. Nor from a man's head, where she would be above him.. Rather she was created from his rib which is next to him, to be equal to him.. Under his arm to be protected by him And next to his heart to be loved by him..
First and foremost,Alhamdulillah, I thank the almighty for making all these things possible. And I hope you two newlyweds...and all the other couples out there will never forget to thank Him for each moment you get to spend with your other half.
When you look at your loved beautiful/handsome they are,how amazing...or how perfect they seem to you. Imagine, He who created your other half and how He must be like...
I hope each day ..til death do you part,you will never forget to thank Him,for making it all possible in the first place.As without Him, Izham wouldnt be with Irina today,just as Eve wouldnt have been created for Adam.And just as Khadijah wouldnt have crossed path with Muhammad saw..
Love can be define in various ways. As to my 22 years of life,I've witnessed all kinds of love and even experienced some of them myself.And theres no doubt to the fact love needs sacrifice. A whole lot of 'em.
A mother may gather all the strength she can ,and dress up even if she can't hardly stand...just to make sure shes there for her the happiest day of her child's life,her wedding day.
A father who burnt the midnight oil to sow a curtain for his little girl's room,with the fabric of her favourite colour just to see a smile on the daughter's face when she returns after leaving home for months..
Siblings who never gave up faith searching for one another after 21years without news...Though hope is frail and chances are thin. They never give up with the belief that one day,the family will be complete..again.
Even a friend, who took the train from one end to the other to come to help for YOUR sister's wedding preparation, who only had few hours of sleep. Spending the night in house full of strangers she never met before.
The kind of love Abu Bakar As-Siddiq had for his bestmate,Muhammad s.a.w when he was stung repeatedly by snakes and refused to make even a slight movement..afraid of waking up the beloved prophet whos fast asleep,resting his head on Sayidina Abu Bakar's knee..
The crazy things people do,the un-thinkable things we do in the name of Love.
Loving someone,til your overlook all their weaknesses...all their flaws. That the hurt and pain they've caused you,it didn't matter...
Caring for another being soo much that you didn't care if you gt hurt,that you had to sacrifice, be self-less,putting others' need beyond your long as that other person is happy,then you know you'll be alright.
Because they mean the world to you. Their existence is what makes yours,worthwhile.
But sometimes...just as the beautiful leaves of spring would leave the trees,and soon giving us ice cold,gloomy winter. Love also can be very...winter-ish.
Sometimes, you need to let go of the sun,and make way for find the rainbow in the end...
Its like having to save a sleeping loved one from a burning house.
Would you serenade him/her and say nice,beautiful things to make 'em wake up and leave the house to save their lives...
Or would you do anything..anything at all to save 'em?
Even if it means carrying them on your back..even if they weigh tons..
Even if it means hitting them,or kicking them on the sides to wake them up..
Even if you have to push them out of the window and cause them/yourself injury
just to save their life...
Sometimes people have to hurt you to protect you/save you...
And last but not least...Love is also about learning to let go...
Sometimes the younger sister have to learn to let her elder sis go and pursue marriage life..even if it means boring weekend and gossip-free/pillow talk-free nights...
Bro Izham and my beloved sister Irina..I hope your home would always be filled with love and blessings from the Big Guy.And I also hope you wouldnt be wasting your time bickiering and pulling face at one another because of silly misunderstandings...cause nobody can predict the future..and we'll never know when we might loose our loved ones.People only realize what they've got til its gone..And I wish both of you wont have to go through that..
Know that how lucky you are to be able to spend your days with eachother...To be waking up in eachother's arm..To see that smile on each others face..
and to know that you're never alone to face the world..
I wish that you bring out the best in one another...and look after each other..and guide one another to get the best reward of life and the hereafter...Hereafter..whe
And Izham a.k.a Optimus...I hope you'll never hurt her.Cause if you do...then you know Im not kidding bout the 3 samurai sword displayed in our living room..If you hurt hurt me too
(not too mention the whole clan.And knowing our family..I know you wouldnt want to get on our dark
And to Irina,my kakak or even sometimes my adik...I love you with all my heart.
You're my sister... therefore one part of me...
And NOBODY can ever change that.
I hope that both of you will live your life without regrets cause you truly deserve each other.
Someone once reminded me..
Take a risk.Dare to move.Love is a leap of faith.
Salam wbt.
Selamat Pengantin Baru..
Majlis Akad Nikah Irina & Izham:
Friday, 8 May 2009
Positive Thinking
Salam dear readers.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Kecil Hati,Merajuk?Ukkhuwah fillah abadan abada?
Entry ini di 'kidnap' dari sini
Bila sahabat-sahabat berkongsi tazkirah tentang Jangan Kecil Hati Dengan Sahabat, terasa tersentuh juga. Sebabnya selalu/mudah juga hati ini mengalami fenomena 'makan hati'. Makan hati, kecil hati, merajuk, ialah biasa berlaku dalam berukhuwwah, dalam menjalinkan silaturrahim. Kerana silaturrahim yang murni, ukhuwwahfillah itu dibenci syaitan. Lalu dia akan sentiasa berusaha meniup 'rasa-rasa ' yang tak sepatutnya dirasai dalam bersahabat. Paling kerap mengalami gangguan emosi ini ialah perempuan. Bukan maknanya perempuan itu lemah, tapi emosi begini memberi kata lain, betapa halusnya jiwa seorang perempuan.
Namun, tersinggung jangan berpanjangan. Buanglah yang keruh, ambillah yang jernih. Jangan tertipu dengan pujukan syaitan yang sentiasa mahu mencari teman dineraka. Meskipun payah, berusahalah, agar hatimu akan kembali tenang. Kita takkan tenang selagi mana urusan ukhuwwah/hati ini belum selesai.
Adapun, antara perkara yang mungkin menjadi faktor ialah seperti :-
- Prasangka.
Bermakna disini, apa-apa sahaja yang kita tidak tahu, tak perlulah kita berprasangka dengan sahabat-sahabat kita. Kita pun tahu yang kita selalu tersalah tafsir, based pada experience kita yang banyak tu. Oleh itu, sebelum kita berprasangka yang pelik-pelik, mintalah penjelasan yang benar dari sahabat kita.
"Wahai orang-orang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang-orang fasiq membawa berita maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu" (49:6)
Sesungguhnya, Tahap ukhuwwah yang paling rendah ialah berlapang dada, paling tinggi ialah ithar (melebihkan orang lain). Pasti ada sebab, mengapa perlu dinilai sifat berlapang dada baru dinilai itharnya. Belum dikira benar-benar ithar jika belum benar-benar ikhlas. Ikhlas datang dari kelapangan hati yang benar-benar dalam dari iman yang mendalam.
Sebelum berakhir, Biarlah perkara-perkara ideal ini menjadi titik ukur kita. Moga-moga diri menjadi lebih baik. Apapun, hubungan dengan Allah yang baik, menjamin hubungan yang baik sesama makhluk.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Tidakkah kau rasa persahabatan dan persaudaraan ini
hanyalah satu kerugian yang besar
jika ianya terhenti
saat antara kita menghembuskan nafas terakhir...
Monday, 27 April 2009
Saatku jatuh, kau disana menyambutku,
Kini kau jatuh..jauh ke dalam..
Dan aku disini untuk menyambutmu
Tapi kau berpaling,
Kau sangka ku tidak lagi pedulikanmu,
Ku sudah tidak lagi fahami perasaanmu..
Namun tidakkah kau sedar
Kerana terlalu sayangkan dirimulah..aku begini
Aku tidak mahu persahabatan kita berhenti di dunia..
Tapi untuk selamanya..
Tidakkah kau sedar, tatkala Izrail datang menjemput
ku tidak lagi terdaya membantumu...
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Wherever you are...Death will find you out
Who acts contrary to Allah's plan,
If you are reflected herein,
Then repent and commit no sin.
It was early in the morning at four,
When death knocked upon a bedroom door,
"Who is there?" The sleeping one cried,
"I am izrael (the angel of Death), let me Inside".
At once the man began to shiver,
As one sweating in deadly fever,
He shouted to his sleeping wife,
"Don't let him take away my life",
"Please go away, O angel of Death,
Leave me alone, I'm not ready yet,
My family on me depend,
Give me a chance O please perpend !
The Angel knocked again and again,
"Friend, I'll take your life without a pain,
It is your soul that Allah require,
I come not with my own desire,
Bewildered the man began to cry,
"O' Angel, I'm so afraid to die,
I'll give you Gold, and be your slave,
Don't send me to the unlit grave."
"Let me in, O' friend ! the Angel said,
"Open the door get up from your bed,
If you do not allow me in,
I will walk through it like a Jinn"
The man held a Gun in his right hand,
Ready to defy the Angel's stand.
"I'll point my gun towards your head,
You dare come in I'll shoot you dead."
By now, the Angel was in the room,
Saying "O friend, prepare for your doom,
Foolish man, Angels never die !.
Put down you gun and do not sigh."
"Why are you afraid? Tell me O man,
To die according to Allah's plan ?
Come, smile to me! do not be grim,
Be happy to return to Him."
"O' Angel, I bow my head in shame,
I had no time to take Allah's name,
From morning to dusk, I made my wealth,
Never even caring for my health."
"Allah's commands, I never obeyed,
Nor five times a day, I ever prayed.
A Ramdan came and a Ramdan went,
But no time I had to repent."
"The hajj was already Farz on me,
But I would not part with my money,
All charities, I did ignore,
Taking Usury more and more."
"Sometimes I sipped my favourite wine,
With flirting women, I sat to dine,
O' Angel, I appeal to you,
Spare my life for a year or two."
The laws of Quran, I'll obey,
I'll begin to Salaat this very day,
My fast and hajj, I will complete,
And keep away from self-conceit."
"I will refrain from Usury,
And give all my wealth to Charity,
Wine and wenches I will detest,
Allah's oneness ! I will attest,
"We angels, do what Allah demands,
We cannot do against this demand.
DEATH is ordained for everyone,
Father, Mother, Daughter or Son."
"I'm afraid this moment is your last,
Now be reminded, more of your past,
I do understand your fears,
But its now too late for tears."
"You lived in this World two score or more,
Never did you, your people adore,
Your parents, you did not obey,
Hungry beggars you turned away."
"Your two ill-gotten female off-springs,
In night-clubs, for livelihood they sing,
Instead of making more Muslims,
You made your children non-Muslims."
"You ignored the Muazzin's Azaan,
Nor did you read the Holy Quran,
Breaking promises all your life,
Backbiting friends and causing strife.
"From hoarded goods, great profits you made,
And your poor workers you, underpaid,
Horses and Cards were your leisure,
Money making was your pleasure."
"You ate Vitamins, and grew more fat,
With the very sick you never sat,
A pint of blood, you never gave,
Which could a little baby save."
"O human, you have done enough wrong,
You bought good properties for a song,
When the farmers appealed to you,
You did not have mercy, it's true."
"Paradise for you? I cannot tell,
Undoubtedly you will dwell in Hell,
There is no time for you to repent,
I?ll take your soul, for which I'm sent."
The ending, however is very sad,
Eventually, the man became mad,
With a cry he jumped out of Bed,
And suddenly .. He fell down Dead!
Taken from :
Saturday, 11 April 2009
If a prophet comes and pay us a visit...
Assalammualaikum wbt.Peace be upon you ...
Today I'd like to share a poem I found while browsing through the web his morning..;-)
May it'll be beneficial to all of us,insyaallah.:-)
Poem taken form:
I Wonder...?
If prophet Muhammad visited you just for a day or two,
If he came unexpectedly I wonder what you would do.
Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room
To such an honoured guest,
And all the food you'd serve him would be the very best,
And you would keep assuring him,
Your glad to have him there,
That serving him in your home,
Is joy beyond compare.
But... when you saw him coming,
Would you meet him at the door,
With arms outstretched to your visitor?
Or... would you have to change your clothes before you let him in?
Or hide some magazines and put the Qur'an where they had been?
Would you still watch the same movies
On your T.V set?
Or would you switch it off
Before he got upset?
Would you turn off the radio
And hope he hadn't heard?
Or wish you hadn't uttered that last hasty word?
Would you hide all your worldly music,
And instead take hadith books out?
Could you let him walk right in,
Or would you have to rush about?
And I wonder if the prophet spent
A day or two with you,
Would you go right on doing,
The things you always do?
Would you go on saying,
The things you always say?
Would life for you continue,
As it does from day to day?
Would your family squabbles,
Keep up their usual pace,
And would you find it hard each meal
To say a table grace?
Would you keep up each and every prayer
Without putting on a frown?
And would you always jump up early
For prayer at dawn?
Would you sing the songs you always sing?
And read the books you read?
And let him know the things on which,
Your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take the prophet with you
Everywhere you plan to go?
Or, would you maybe change your plans,
Just for a day or so?
Would you be glad to have him meet
Your very closest friends?
Or, would you hope they stay away
Until his visit ends?
Would you be glad to have him stay
Forever on and on...
Or would you sigh with great relief
When he at last was gone?
It might be interesting to know,
The things that you would do...
If prophet Muhammad, in person,
Came to spend some time with you.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Its up to you to BELIEVE it OR NOT...
Just a video to share...Enjoy..
A picture is worth a thousand words...
Friday, 3 April 2009
Dear God
Owh pardon me for being rude, peace be upon you readers.
It goes something like this...
" Whenever we encounter a big problem,never say "Oh God, I have a big problem!"Instead say, "Hey problem, Ive got a BIG God!"...
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Friday, 27 March 2009
Superman Vs Batman II

Peace be upon you dear readers...
So if you read my last'll know how I came up with this next theory:
If you can't stand Kryptonite, then forget about being Superman, be Batman...
Because we're human and I think we can all relate to him,unlike Superman who comes from planet Krypton who's almost perfect (i.e: Bulletproof body, can fly, lazer eyes, super strength etc.) but when it comes to Kryptonite..He's helpless.
So why Batman?
Because the Dark Knight puts an effort to all his weaknesses. He can't fly, but he invents gadgets to make it possible from him to go from one place to another.
His body may not be bulletproof (he's still has scars and he bleeds whenever he's hurt), but he solves it by making a bulletproof costume.
He may not be fast, but he has his batmobile and his motocycles etc.
He doesn't have superstrength but he works out to make his body more resistant.
Whatever weaknesses he has, he uses his brain to solve the complications.
He doesn't just sit around and wait for help to come, he does something so that he can be the best hero anyone could ever be.
Hes human..just like us.
He may be wealthy, but he doesn't spend all his money lavishly.
And he doesn't care what other people thinks of him. People may look at him as a rich-good-for-nothing-playboy even if he's Gotham's City number 1 crimefighter.
He doesn't have the need to justify he's the hero.
He just the job.
And don't get me wrong,he has his fears too. He's afraid of bats. But that does not stop him from doing his job. He works on his fear...Thats what he do..find a solution.
I talked about this with a sister and she did add few more useful points on my outtakes:
X : Same thing when we read the tales of the prophet's companions....... as long as we have that mindset "Of course they can do (this and that), they're the prophet's companion..etc". For as long as we think they are SuperHuman we will never learn from them.
We can read tons of the tales of Muhammad's companions, but will merely just be a wonderful fairytale everybody loves...We will never learn from them...
Only until the point where we realize, they really are just normal human beings..Just like us.
Only then,we'll gain something from their life stories.
Y : Exactly..Sometimes people fail to see the point. Even from the Prophet himself. God had purposely chosen the prophets among the people,among us humans, so we can relate to them and learn.
(Instead, we always use this as an excuse, he's a prophet,of course he's capable of things. Well, Im not trying to say that men like Adam,Moses,Jesus,Abraham,Muhammad (etc.) are not special. They're the chosen one after all. But they're also humans,never forget that. Hey,even the prophet is warned by God himself (Surah 'Abasa).
X : Yes... but often we always think of them as SuperHuman from the past. We fail to relate to them. We,ourselves create barriers.
Conclusion: They're human,we're human. If they can be the best of humankind. Why can we ourselves try to be the best person we can be.
Evrybody have their own strength...Everyone's gifted. ;-)
Okay fine, still insist on being Superman? Sure theres nothing wrong in choosing him. But don't work alone then...Hey even the Man of Steel needs his companions, the Justice League.
(Surah As-Saff)
Fight with those whos fighting for the same cause as you...Two heads are better than one. Working in a team makes a person stronger and much more solid.
We complete eachother.What we lack, others complete it.
As I said, we all have our own weaknesses and we all posess different strength...
Finalement, we all are like pieces of puzzle. Completing eachother to get that one final perfect picture..:-D
Superman VS Batman I
[How may we help others if we can't even help ourselves?]
I chatted with a brother on this topic and this was how the converstion goes:
A: ...what do you think of the phrase [If we can't even help ourselves,how may we help others?]
B: Well..I think we can always help others even when we ourselves are helpless, but it depends on the situation,by help,what kind of help are you refering to?
A: Hmm...everyone has their own weaknesses,right? Take Superman for example ,his weakness is Kryptonite...right? Pardon me for the random example. Anyway, so when we get hit by an element that weakens us, sometimes we get too busy trying to help ourselves from that element that we forgot about others around us..We felt as if how could we help others if we can't even help ourselves?
B: Personally, for me,it depends on the impact of the hit, how hard it hits us. But if God wills it, this shouldn't be a problem. I think we all can help other even if we ourselves have problems of our own. Because in this world, no one is problem-free. Everybody has their own worries, nobody is perfect. As for me, we should try our best,insyaAllah,everything would be okay...
I'll give you an analogy of a glass...
We have one empty glass, and our friend have his (or her) own glass which is also empty.
So when the water gets poured into our glass and we'd like our friend to have some water too...We are not obliged to wait until our glass is filled with water to help him/her.
Even with a half-filled glass or even a quarter-filled glass ,we should be able to help this friend of ours.
A: That is a beautiful analogy...hmm...But what if the glass breaks?
B: Then we should pour the water before it breaks...But if it breaks beforehand, if its unavoidable, then we have no choice but to fix the glass first.
Just like when it comes to spreading the truth, we don't need to be a preacher to be qualified to preach to others...even withe the knowledge we have, we can spread goodness to others. /even if its just a phrase,a word,insyaallah, it'll be usefull to others,and ourselves (as reminders)
A: Well understood, thank you for reminding. But..what if a person were to teach another being to wear a shoe when he/she herself don't even like the idea if wearing a shoe. Again,random example but I hope it'll do..
B: Personally, if that were the case, then it is better for us to ask from others to teach us wearing the shoe properly first, because its crucial for us to be good at something before we can teach it to others...But that shouldn't stop us from teaching our friend others things that we already know. Everybody have their own strength and weaknesses, and thats where we complete one another. Two friends are like 2 hands, one washes the other, and vice versa. :-)
A: Alhamdulillah, sharing thoughts and give me new inspirations, thank you. Sometimes we get scared cause we keep thinking 'bout what others would think of us when we do something. We tend to think too much.
A wise lady once told me, we have to stop making assumptions. Because when we come up with assumptions, it'll keep us from proceeding with our work. We would end up thinking too much and not doing anything.
B: Yes, I tend to think too much too. So sometimes I just say to myself "Just do it,lets just get this over and done with"
A: Thank you again. Well,nobody said life would be easy right? Its full of sacrifice to be made..(But as long as we're doing the right thing, He did promise He would be with us every step we take ;-))
And as long we're doing the right thing..Why should we be afraid,right?
As for the theory on Batman Vs Superman...We'll continue on the next post..:-),insyaAllah.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Fragment of my thought
[How may we help others if we can't help ourselves]
This particular phrase has been circulating my mind since earlier this evening.
Result:Its 4.24 a.m and I'm still up.
I talked to a friend of mine.and this was how the conversation goes..
Ilani Muis: what do you think of this phrase
Ilani Muis: [if we can't ourselves,how may we help others]
itik berenang: ha?
itik berenang: random nye
Ilani Muis: I;d just like to know
Ilani Muis: your views
Ilani Muis: youre a sensible person
itik berenang: haha...klaka la
itik berenang: i drp dulu
itik berenang: slalu terfikir about this phrase
itik berenang: org kan slalu cakap..u have to make sure that u're good enough before u can help other
itik berenang: or tegur others
itik berenang: or anything along that line
itik berenang: i mcm agree to a certain extent la
itik berenang: ish i tatau nak jawap camane
itik berenang: u nak i ckp dari context ape..ayah ajar anak? a muslim to another muslim?
Ilani Muis: any context
Ilani Muis: it depends on how you see it
itik berenang: ha ok..i bagi dari religious context la kan contohynye..
itik berenang: *contohnye
itik berenang: haha
itik berenang: ha anyway
itik berenang: contohnye..u nak help org supaye be a better u nak tegur kalau org tu buat silap
itik berenang: but then if u berpegang on that phrase kan
itik berenang: it's a bit impossible la
itik berenang: because..
itik berenang: like the phrase said...'if we cant ourselves, how may we help other'
itik berenang: then maknenye lebih kurang mcm kalaw u nak tegur org..u kene la perfect dulu
itik berenang: if u can make urself a perfect person
itik berenang: than u barulah boleh help people
itik berenang: tapi kan impossible
itik berenang: u nak tunggu diri u perfect
itik berenang: smpai bile pon takboleh
itik berenang: ha camtu la contohnye
itik berenang: but then again i agree to a certain extent...contoh yang typical yang i boleh bagi..
itik berenang: ayah smoke, but suruh anak jangan smoke
itik berenang: if u cant stop urself, how r u gonna teach ur son not to do it kan
itik berenang: huhu
itik berenang: eh betol ke i ckp ni
itik berenang: kang membebel panjang2
itik berenang: tak jawap soalan pn
Ilani Muis: yeah
Ilani Muis: sensible
Ilani Muis: huhu
Ilani Muis: it really is complicated kan
Ilani Muis: even if u terbalekkan the phrase
Ilani Muis: like
Ilani Muis: [how may we help others,if we cant help ourselves]
Ilani Muis: cm bole interpret laen
Ilani Muis: i find it to be rather
Ilani Muis: negative
itik berenang: yeah...i slalu rase phrase mcm ni sgt negative
itik berenang: sangat tak membantu org untuk berkembang
itik berenang: sebab for the process of u helping other people pn..u will learn so many things
itik berenang: so mcm u're helping urself la jugak
itik berenang: so if u cannot help other ppl sebab u dnt have what it takes...i rase takde sesiapa pn dlm dunia ni will help anyone
itik berenang: masing2 sibuk nak jadi perfect before they can help others
Ilani Muis: n nobody will ever be..cuz nobody is perfect..x matter how,x matter what
Ilani Muis: so
Ilani Muis: conclsion
Ilani Muis: just try to be strong
Ilani Muis: n be ready to accept ur weakness,but do try to be better nx tym?
itik berenang: a'a
itik berenang: exactly
itik berenang: i yang kluwakan phrase mcm ni..adelah org yang tanak terima help from other people
itik berenang: sebab terlampao melayu kan suke cakap..'nak cakap org, cermin la diri sendiri'
itik berenang: cakap as mengumpat mmg la..
itik berenang: but then cakap as in tegur and tolong tu...mcm takbetul la dlm context ayat tu
itik berenang: hahaha
itik berenang: ape i merepek ni
Ilani Muis: haha
Ilani Muis: well
Ilani Muis: its your views
Ilani Muis: so
Ilani Muis: its very subjective
Ilani Muis: diff people
Ilani Muis: have diff outakes
Ilani Muis: you honestly this trying to be better get a little harder..Im trying but at times tersungkur and I start to reflect byk bende,which just make things even more complicated cause
Ilani Muis: you just tend to think alot
Ilani Muis: and see things from different angles
Ilani Muis: and it just occupise you soo much
Ilani Muis: you realized it wasting your time
Ilani Muis: then you just wann stop
Ilani Muis: but you end up beating around the bushes
itik berenang: wahahahaha
itik berenang: iye betol
Ilani Muis: which is why
Ilani Muis: i x tdo lg
Ilani Muis: You turn to Him
Ilani Muis: cause that is the best kan
Ilani Muis: but you end up wanting to talk to a person jugak
Ilani Muis: in hopes it would help
itik berenang: a'a betol
Ilani Muis: but then you also have the tendency to think why am i thinking too much bout my own problems when I could use the tyime in helping others
itik berenang: ahahaha..sometimes u just have to figure out things before moving on
itik berenang: i slalu camtu
itik berenang: hehe
Ilani Muis: yup,but sometimes you just couldnt seem to find the answer,and u end up immobile,just where you started
Ilani Muis: some people might say,this is also apart of the evil part of a human,like eveil whispering mcm nk lmahkan smgat u
Ilani Muis: so u be so busy thinking psl masalah sndr
Ilani Muis: when others around u masalah lg besar
So...Readers,what do you think?
P/S- Ya Jabbar...grant me strength...Please..Guide me. You're the onlyOne who knows whats inside my mind and my heart.So please,help me...
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Islam & Alcohol
Why does Islam prohibit the consumption of alcohol?
Alcohol has been the scourge of human society since time immemorial. It continues to cost countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions throughout the world. Alcohol is the root cause of several problems facing society. The statistics of soaring crime rates, increasing instances of mental illnesses and millions of broken homes throughout the world bear mute testimony to the destructive power of alcohol.
1. Prohibition of alcohol in the Qur’an
The prohibition of alcohol in Islam is derived from the following verse of the Glorious Qur'an:
"O ye who believe! Intoxicants and Gambling, (Dedication of) stones, And (divination by) arrows, Are an Abomination – Of Satan's handiwork; Eschew such (abomination), That ye may prosper." [Al-Qur'an 5:90]
2. Prohibition of alcohol in the Bible
The Bible prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verses:
a. "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." [Proverbs 20:1]
b. "And be not drunk with wine." [Ephesians 5:18]
3. Can Alcohol be beneficial?
Some research indicates that limited consumption can have some health benefits. This is consistent with the verse of the Glorious Qur’an:
They ask you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit."
[Al-Qur’an 2:219]
4. Alcohol inhibits the inhibitory centre
An Alcohol Awareness Poster at Ball State University, Indiana
Human beings possess an inhibitory centre in their brains. This inhibitory centre prevents the person from doing things that he considers wrong. For instance a person does not normally use abusive language while addressing parents or elders. The inhibitory centre prevents a person from answering the call of nature in public.
When a person consumes alcohol, the inhibitory centre itself is inhibited. That is precisely the reason why an inebriated person is often found be indulging in behaviour that is completely uncharacteristic of him. For instance a person who is drunk may use abusive language with people he or she respects and/or make sexual advances towards them, and regret the actions later after becoming sober.
5. What about drinking in ‘moderation’?
Some argue that it is possible to drink in moderation and exercise self-control in order to prevent oneself from getting intoxicated. Investigations reveal that most alcoholics started off as ‘social drinkers’. Suppose a ‘social drinker' loses self-control just once. In a state of intoxication he or she might commit a terrible crime, with life changing consequences. The scores of deaths and injuries due to accident involving drunk drivers bring untold grief to thousands of families every year.
According to National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Justice (U.S. Department of Justice) in the year 1996 alone everyday on an average 2,713 rapes took place. The statistics tell us that the majority of the rapists were intoxicated while committing the crime. Even if the act is later regretted, a normal human being is likely to carry the guilt throughout his life. Both the victim and perpetrator are marred for life.
6. Diseases associated with alcoholism
There are several scientific reasons for the prohibition of consumption of intoxicants i.e. alcohol. The maximum number of deaths in the world related to any one particular cause is due to the consumption of alcohol. Millions of people die every year only because of intake of alcohol. Below is a simple list of few of the alcohol related illnesses:
1. Cirrhosis of the liver (the most well known alcohol associated disease).
2. Cancers of the Oesophagus, of the head and neck, of the liver (Hepatoma) and of the bowel.
4. Coronary Artherosclerosis, Angina and heart attacks are linked to heavy alcohol intake. Similarly strokes and different types of paralysis are linked to alcohol intake.
5. Beriberi and other deficiencies are not uncommon among alcoholics. Even Pellagra occurs in alcoholics.
6. Delerium Tremens is a serious complication that may occur during recurrent infection of alcoholics or post operatively. It also occurs during abstention as a sign of withdrawal effect. It is quite serious and may cause death even if treated in well equipped centers
7. Recurrent infection is very common among chronic alcoholics. The resistance to disease and the immunological defense system are compromised by alcohol intake.
8. Chest infections are notorious in alcoholics. Pneumonia, Lung Abcess, Emphysema and Pulmonary Tuberculosis are all common in alcoholics.
9. During acute alcoholic intoxication, the drunk person usually vomits, the cough reflexes which are protective are paralysed. The vomitus thus easily pass to the lung causing Pneumonia or Lung Abscess. Occasionally it may even cause suffocation and death.
10. The ill effects of alcohol consumption on women deserves special mention. Females are more vulnerable to alcohol-related Cirrhosis than men. During pregnancy alcohol consumption has a severe detrimental effect on the foetus. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is being recognized more and more in the medical profession.
11. Skin diseases are also related to alcohol indulgence.
12. Eczema, Alopecia, Nail Dystrophy, Paronychia (infection around the nails) and Angular Stomatitis (inflammation of the angle of the mouth) are common diseases among alcoholics.
7. Is Alcoholism a disease ?
If alcohol is a disease, it is the only disease that:
- Is sold in bottles
- Is advertised in newspapers, magazines, on radio and television
- Has licensed outlets to spread it
- Produces revenue for the government
- Brings violent deaths on the highways
- Destroys family life and increases crime
- Has no germs or viral cause
Islam is called the "Deen-ul-Fitrah" or the natural religion of Man. All its injunctions are aimed at preserving the natural state of man. Alcohol is a deviation from this natural state, for the individual as well as for society. Hence the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in Islam.
The Health Benefits of Wine by Gerrman JB, Walzem RL, Department of Food Science, University of California at Davis
For further reading:
Monday, 9 March 2009
My hijab,my liberty
Praise to the lord.Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
Sisters: Do you wear the hijab? Why or Why not? If you do, do you ever feel like taking it off? I feel like Allah wouldn't want to pose a burden on women (like when it's hot out) by forcing them to wear hijab.
Before I answer this question, I do have a few questions myself. Why do the nuns cover their head? and Mother Mary?and the jews? I find that covering your head is part of the teachings in most religion. Have you ever wondered why? Some say its a sign of modesty & humility.While others..well different people have different views.First of all,yes I do wear the hijab,Ive just started it awhile ago.Now that I have it on,I dont have any intentions of taking it off,but sometimes the whispers of Shaitan do get the best of me.But Alhamdulillah,until now I have never taken it off('cept when Im home alone,or with other sisters).I wear it first of all because He asked me too. (Tout simplement,on se pose pas des questions sur ce que le Dieu nous demande.)
And because I want to please our Lord.Its just like when we're trying to please other human beings,surely we would do things that would please them wouldnt we?For example,a daughter would send flowers to her mother to please her mother,or a worker would invite his boss to lunch to please the boss(if he's lucky,he might even get a promotion).
I wear the hijab as I wish to please God and in hopes that He will place me in paradise with other mu'minun.InsyaAllah.
I have faith in Islam,in oneness of God,and I trust His words and His sayings (Holy Quran).
Why do I trust God?
Because I believe that He is the Creator of All.The Almighty.And surely a Creator knows Best 'bout His creations.
Just like an inventor of a machine would know best about his invention better than anyone else.
Ask Bill Gates about Microsoft and Im sure He has alll the answer.
As for hijab,there is a few verse in Quran which commands the women to wear a veil etc.It can be found in Surah Al-Ahzab and An-Nurr,for give me if I am mistaken.So,God has commanded women to put on their veils...Surely He has His reasons behind this.As a human being,I have no right to claim that my knowledge is any better than others,especially compared to Allah,the All-Knowing.
But He has also granted me with a brain and heart,to search for answers,to think and to understand alhamdulillah.I can give a few answers insyaallah.
And I think its mostly because God knows how it is not easy for a man to control his lust especially towards the opposite sex. So He asked the women to cover themselves in order to make it easy for men to control their lust.
Imagine a woman in bikini,a woman well covered and a man or a raper trapped in a room.Who do you think will most likely get raped first?...
My dear brothers and sister..God has grant us with brains.Think for a second...Its all logic isnt it?Maybe if all the women were to cover themselves properly,insyaAllah,there wont be as many crimes (mainly rape etc) as today..
And I do prefer people to judge me for who I am inside,evryone always says that its the thought,the heart that counts.Its how we are on the inside that matters,not how we look on the outside.Right?.Cause that wouldnt be fair,to anybody.And God is Fair.Besides,the outside beauty would fade sooner or later,but the inside beauty..It stays on forever,insyaAllah.:-D.Sisters and brothers...would we prefer for people to love us for what we are?or how we look like?...
Besides,whats the harm in wearing one?If people have liberty of dressing up the way they want, why can't we have the liberty of wearing our hijab? ;-D.
Plus, I do think its beautiful,the fact that you reserve your beauty for your husband and not just any men...:-)
Monday, 23 February 2009
Our differences...
Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see
You don't see a damn thing
'cause you can't relate to me
You're blinded by our differences
My life makes no sense to you
I'm the persecuted one
You're the red, white and blue
Each day you wake in tranquility
No fears to cross your eyes
Each day I wake in gratitude
Thanking God He let me rise
You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I'll survive another day
Your biggest fear is getting a ticket
As you cruise your Cadillac
My fear is that the tank that has just left
Will turn around and come back
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let the media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Has our world gone all blind?
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let the media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me ...
Ooohh, let's not cry tonight
I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters
See I've known terror for quite some time
57 years so cruel
Terror breathes the air I breathe
It's the checkpoint on my way to school
Terror is the robbery of my land
And the torture of my mother
The imprisonment of my innocent father
The bullet in my baby brother
The bulldozers and the tanks
The gases and the guns
The bombs that fall outside my door
All due to your funds
You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of my enemies
I'm terrorized in my own land (what)
And I'm the terrorist?
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let the media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Has our world gone all blind?
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let the media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me ...
Ooohh, let's not cry tonight, I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
American , do you realize that the taxes that you pay
Feed the forces that traumatize my every living day
So if I won't be here tomorrow
It's written in my fate
May the future bring a brighter day
The end of our wait
Ooohh, let's not cry tonight, I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
[with kids]
Ohh let's not cry tonight I promise you one day is through
Ohh my brothers! Ohh my sisters!
Ooh shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers! Ohh my sisters!
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
...So what?!
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down
by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, there may be jealousy;
Be happy anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Discovered on:
Taken from:
Friday, 13 February 2009
Magic Words: Please & Thank You
Bismilahirrahmanirrahim, in the name of God, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Alhamdulillah (Thank you God),
for giving me another chance to walk on this earth of yours...
How are we all doing today? My mum once told me : Whether its going to be a happy day or sad day for you today...
It's you who decide the moment you wake up each day.
So, what would it be for you today?
A day full of smiles and happyness? Or sulking and grouching until night falls?
C'est a vous de decider...(Its up to you to decide...)
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:"Charity is prescribed for each descendant of Adam every day the sun rises."
He was then asked: "From what do we give charity every day?"
The Prophet answered: "The doors of goodness are many...enjoining good, forbidding evil, removing harm from the road, listening to the deaf, leading the blind, guiding one to the object of his need, hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help,
and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms
--all of these are charity prescribed for you."
He also said: "Your smile for your brother is charity."
- Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 98
Today I'm going to talk about Magic Words,insyaAllah.
Readers,do you remember the first few words your parents
(or the person who looks after you when you were kid) taught you when you were just a toddler?
Words known as "Magic words"
Remember when you asked for something, the adult would say
" What's the magic word young man ?"(I'm not a sexist,this is just an example ;-p)
Young Man: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.....? (accompanied by the sweetest smile imaginable)
Or remember when you received something from others (i.e: a birthday present)...again an adult would ask
" Now..what should you say young lady?" (see..told ya Im not a sexist ;-p).
Or for malaysians maybe the phrase "Cakap apeee..?" would be more up our alley?
Basically Magic Words such as Please & Thank you are crucial in everything,right?
We say please for things we want....And thank you for the things we get
(even if sometimes we didnt even ask for it)
Why are 'please' & 'thank you' so important?
First, to avoid any serious injuries...Caused by any 'abusive' adult..Hehe (Kene pukul kang...)
Secondly, to avoid getting scold at in front of everybody...or worse...getting the 'cold stare' of your parents...(pandangan maut) especially from a mother...
If you happen to have one whos like mine. ;-p
Then, theres also the possibility of not getting anymore presents or any goodies at all if you are so persistent in not saying these Magic Words...Right?
So,why am I telling you things you already know?
....because I'm trying to make a connection here between God & our blessings...
We asked for a happy life...we smile and laugh every now and then...
We asked for company so we'll never feel and friends never left our side...
We asked for a healthy body...we're still breathing, walking, talking, texting
But sometimes...
We didn't pray that we will have food to eat..But He never left us to starve...
We didn't pray so that our home won't be burn down while we're asleep...But He protected us anyhow...
We didn't ask so that our parents won't fall down when they're walking down the stairs, back at home, miles away from us...
But yet,He still give us the chance to hear their voice on the phone..just moments ago.
Sometimes there are things we didn't even think of asking...
But we got it anyhow...
we even dare to complain when we receive things we didn't particularly like from our parents...
we smug when our friend gave us a green keychain instead of blue
it even upsets us to see that our favourite shirt is still in the laundry...
We asked for it, He gave it,
We didnt even say please...We got it anyhow
We didn't even ask for it...
but our days are still blessed with love,happiness and friendship.
Still we turn our back on Him
Sometimes we even forget Him
"Alhamdulillah...Thank you God.."
Is it soo hard to be muttered by the mouth,the lips,the voice that He grant us with...?
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Dating dgn kekasih hati...
Okay this time around Im going to write this post the way I talk. Which means there'll be malay and a few english words...For those who only understands english and wish for me to leave a comment..;-)...Please & thank you
Kenapelakan...klu kite janji dgn manusie..klu lambat sepuloh menet...kite da bwat muke.
Klu yg couple tu..boleh gado sampai nk clash..hanye kerane 10 menet...
Tapikan kalau dgn Die...Bayangkan klu setiap solat tu diibaratkan macam 'dating' dengan yang Maha Penyayang. Tergamak kite buat die tertunggu2 sampai waktu kite menghadap Die...Kekdang bukan setakat 10 menet,boleh sampai 20 menet,30 menet...Kdang2 kite skalikan je terus 'date' yg first dengan 'date' yang sterusnye.
Cth: (Dialog biase)
Manusie (sambil melihat jam tangan): Eh da nk masuk maghrib nie..Tapela,tunggu la lg siket nak Asar..Takyah amek wudhu' lagi da..Sekalikan je terus..Pas Asar tnggu kejap then Maghrib. Senang siket...
Cube tanye diri sendiri pernah tak ayat-ayat sebegini terlintas kt otak kite?
Cube bayangkan kite buat macam tu dgn orang yg kite janji nk jumpe....
Dekatkan trus 'date' atau klu org french panggil 'rendezvous'
,kalau skalikan je rendezvous yg first dgn yg second...Camane tu?
Klu dengan yang tersayang...uish,bukan maen lg,siap-siap,wangi-wangi...
Tak boleh lambat..Kene On-time!
Kenapa kite boleh tergamak nak buat macam tu (melambatkan 'date') dengan yang Maha Mengasihi kite...?
Umpame kite buat Die tertunggu-tunggu,kadang-kadang setengah jam...
Klu yang isya' kdangkale berejam..Trus tunggu subuh kan?
Takpon kekdang ade antare kite yang terus 'cancel' je 'date' nie...
Lepas tu bile hari kite macam 'suwey' siket ade yang even berani salahkan Die and saying things like..
'Life's not fair,hidup tak adil,nape mesti aku...etc'
Sedangkan...Do we ourselves even take time during the days to remember Him, to thank Him?
Kite tak ingat pon kt Die...By right, layakkah kite diingati Die...?
Sedangkan Die lah Segalenye.
Dari Die datang sumenye, tanpe die,tadelah family kite,tadelah rezeki kite utk makan berpakaian etc.
Tanpe die,takan bertemulah kite dengan org tersayang kite tu...
Maybe its time for us to muhasabah diri and think...
Sume yang baik dtg dr Rabbi 'alamin...
Dan yg tidak baik dtg dr kelemahan diri saye sendirik
juge Syaitan-syaitan yang busy membisik di depan,blakang,kiri dan kanan saye..
[Al-Maa'uun 107:4 .107:5]
(Kalau orang yang demikian dikira dari bilangan orang-orang yang mendustakan ugama), maka kecelakaan besar bagi orang-orang Ahli Sembahyang -
(laitu) mereka yang berkeadaan lalai daripada menyempurnakan sembahyangnya;
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
My True Love, My Purpose, My Everything
Alhamdulillah, I've finally found what I've been looking for,
the perfect companion, apart of me which I didn't know exist.
1) He protects me and makes me feel safe even in the darkest hour of night, even in the most lonely and quiet street.
2) He is my strength when Im weakened by my surroundings...or even by my own weaknesses.
3) He's willing to forgive me even when Ive comitted the biggest mistake imagineable.
4) He listens to me, even when there are thousand others who turn to him.
5) Sometimes I can express myself in any language, still he understands me.
6) Sometimes...I don't even have to talk. Still he knows whats bothering me.
7) He made me feel loved like no one has ever before
8) I trust him with all of my heart because I know he would never break it
9) Its because of him I won that basketball competition when I was 16..Its because of him I passed my exams with flying colors..He always gives me gifts. Even when I didn't ask for it. Often, I forget to thank him. But still he's patient with me.
10)Sometimes he punishes me whenever Ive crossed the line. But I'm not angry or anything cause I know the only reason he does that is because he cares about me.
11) Even if I can't see him, I know he's always there to guide me, I know this because he left me 114 love letters to remind me of him.
12) I'm not scared to love him...Cause I know he would never ever leave me...He would always be there.
13) He's my friend,
14) My first, my last and my one and only true love...the incomparable...
Who is it Im reffering to? Well he is...
1)Al-Muhaimin 2)Al-Jabbar 3)Al-Afu 4)As-Sami 5)Al- Wasi 6)Al-Khabir 7)Al-Wadud 8)Al-Wakil 9) As-Sabur & Al-Basit 10) Al-Muntaqim 11)Al-Batin, Ar-Rasheed & Al-Hadi 12) As-Samad & Al Baqi' 13) Al-Wali 14) Al-Awwal, Al-Akhir, Al-Wahid...Al-Badi'
[Surah Taa-Haa 20:8]
If you'd like to know Him better:
(You'll find another 78 attribute of His)
Friday, 6 February 2009
God never gave me what I wanted...
I asked for courage...God gave me obstacles to overcome.
I asked for Love... God gave me troubled people to help.
I asked for favors... and God gave me opportunities.
Maybe I received nothing I wanted...
But I received EVERYTHING I needed.
Alhamdulillah, Thank you Allah.
[Al-Baqarah: 216]
Jihad is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it,
and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you,
and that you like a thing which is bad for you.
Allah knows but you do not know...
The Cow
* Silk,silk,silk
What do cows drink?
Kudos to those who answered 'water' but to those who answered 'milk'...
Oops..Sorry,wrong answer. Didn't I just remind you to;
Think before you speak?
Have a nice day~
Thursday, 5 February 2009
And He *winked at me...
Hello readers...May peace be upon us all.
Alhamdulillah again I'm given another day to live and to tell a tale...
Bismilahirrahmanirrahim, in the name of Allah,the Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Today, with the blessings of Allah, Al-Barr, the Benign (yang Banyak Membuat Kebajikan),
I've experienced such a wonderful moment while I was out running my errands.
I was at the cashier,I was about to pay when I realized I didn't have enough money on me.
As I was trying to negociate with the lady by reducing one of the items I bought,
(I was praying so that God will help me out of this mess at the same time, rummaging through my pockets in hopes of finding 10 cents)
Suddenly, the gentleman behind me offered to pay for all of the items (his & mine) and he took my money (the one thats lacking 10 cents)
At first I thought it was because my pathetic effort to pay was holding up the queue and that he was in a hurry.
After collecting my stuff, I looked up and saw the men who helped me just now.
He smiled and winked at me...Then he left.
It was then that I realized, what he did really was an act of generosity.
Then I thought: where does all this Goodness comes from....
I smiled to myself when I think of Him, Al-Kareem, the Generous.
I smiled even more when I think of Him, Al-Mujeeb, the Responder to our Prayers.
I kept smiling when I think of Him, Al-Walee, the Supporter,the Protecting Friend
The gentleman winked at me...That gentleman is a creation of Him, Al-Khaliq...
That gentleman may not be God Himself...
But by his act of generosity is an attribute of God.
His goodness and kindness are only present because of Allah.
Allah grants this men with such wonderful qualities...
When that gentleman winked at me...
I felt as if it was God's way of communicating to me to tell me:
"Told you I'd be there for you...All you have to do is come and look for me..."
I left the supermarket, and drops of rain fell down on me...So did the tears from my eyes.
God is Great.And I thank You for EVERYTHING.
Subahanallah,walhamdulillah,walailahailallah wallahuakhbar...
To the gentleman that helped me, may God bless you, Que le Dieu vous benisse.
Only Allah can repay what you have done for me.
(Semoga dirimu ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang dikasihi-Nya)
Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said :
"On every person's joints or small bones (i.e. fingers and toes), there is sadaqah (charity) every day the sun rises. Doing justice between two people is sadaqah; assisting a man to mount his animal, or lifting up his belongings onto it is sadaqah; a good word is sadaqah; every step you take towards prayer is sadaqah; and removing harmful things from pathways is sadaqah."
[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
guiding one to the object of his need,
hurrying with the strength of one's legs to one in sorrow who is asking for help,
and supporting the feeble with the strength of one's arms
--all of these are charity prescribed for you."
He also said: "Your smile for your brother is charity."
- Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 98