Tuesday 10 February 2009

My True Love, My Purpose, My Everything

After all these years of searching...

Alhamdulillah, I've finally found what I've been looking for,
the perfect companion, apart of me which I didn't know exist.


1) He protects me and makes me feel safe even in the darkest hour of night, even in the most lonely and quiet street.

2) He is my strength when Im weakened by my surroundings...or even by my own weaknesses.

3) He's willing to forgive me even when Ive comitted the biggest mistake imagineable.

4) He listens to me, even when there are thousand others who turn to him.

5) Sometimes I can express myself in any language, still he understands me.

6) Sometimes...I don't even have to talk. Still he knows whats bothering me.

7) He made me feel loved like no one has ever before

8) I trust him with all of my heart because I know he would never break it

9) Its because of him I won that basketball competition when I was 16..Its because of him I passed my exams with flying colors..He always gives me gifts. Even when I didn't ask for it. Often, I forget to thank him. But still he's patient with me.

10)Sometimes he punishes me whenever Ive crossed the line. But I'm not angry or anything cause I know the only reason he does that is because he cares about me.

11) Even if I can't see him, I know he's always there to guide me, I know this because he left me 114 love letters to remind me of him.

12) I'm not scared to love him...Cause I know he would never ever leave me...He would always be there.

13) He's my friend,

14) My first, my last and my one and only true love...the incomparable...

Who is it Im reffering to? Well he is...

1)Al-Muhaimin 2)Al-Jabbar 3)Al-Afu 4)As-Sami 5)Al- Wasi 6)Al-Khabir 7)Al-Wadud 8)Al-Wakil 9) As-Sabur & Al-Basit 10) Al-Muntaqim 11)Al-Batin, Ar-Rasheed & Al-Hadi 12) As-Samad & Al Baqi' 13) Al-Wali 14) Al-Awwal, Al-Akhir, Al-Wahid...Al-Badi'

اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ لَهُ الْأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى
[Surah Taa-Haa 20:8]

Allah! There is no God but Him! To Him belong the Best Names.

If you'd like to know Him better:


(You'll find another 78 attribute of His)



Fayes said...

Salam..kagum dan syukur..Teruskan perjuangan, sambung pencarian=)


"Dialah Allah, tidak ada tuhan selain Dia. Mengetahui yang ghaib dan yang nyata, Dialah yang Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang"

"Dialah Allah, tidak ada tuhan selain Dia. Maha Raja Yang Maha Suci, Yang Maha Sejahtera, Yang Menjaga Keamanan, Pemelihara keselamatan, Yang Maha Perkasa, Yang MahaKuasa, Yang Memiliki Segala Keagungan. Maha suci Allah dari apa yang mereka persekutukan."

"Dialah Allah yang Menciptakan, Yang Mengadakan, Yang Membentuk Rupa, Dia memiliki nama-nama yang indah. Apa yang di langit dan di bumi bertasbih kepada-Nya. Dan Dialah Yang Maha Perkasa, Maha Bijaksana"
[al-Hasyr 59:22-24]